Healthy Holiday Eating Tips
With the Holiday Season just around the corner. Its a great time to remember that the holidays are about enjoying your family, friends, food, traditions, and so much more. It is easy to use the holidays as an excuse to over indulge and loose track of how hard we have worked towards our goals through out the the year. So here are some healthy holiday eating tips to help you make it through this Holiday Season and stay on track!
The most important thing to remember is that life is a balancing act. Don't deprive yourself, instead treat your self to your favorite indulgences and feel satisfied with your choices. Stay active each day to keep your metabolism boosted and energy high!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Fit in Fall Cannon Fitness Clean Eating Program
Fall is such an amazing time of the year. The cool crisp air, gives us a feeling of renewal and energy. Its the perfect time to take a look at our year and see what we have accomplished. So clearly no better time than to take a look at our nutrition and step it up with our renewed energy!
Fit in Fall Cannon Fitness Clean Eating Program
Begins Monday October 12th
With an all new menu and super yummy fall recipes, the Fit in Fall Cannon Fitness Clean Eating Program is sure to get you feeling strong and energized. And looking lean, toned, and with a beautiful fall glow! Get ready to tackle the holidays. You will be prepared to say no to those sweet treats and holiday weight gain.
Here is what you get:
Here is what you get:
- 6 weeks of on-line Nutritional Guidance
- Nutritional Guidelines
- Daily outline of what each meal and each day should look like
- Grocery lists
- Power food list
- Nutritious and tasty menus (7 days a week, 5 meals a day)
- On-line support group (be with other women participating, discuss your struggles, successes, recipes, etc)
- Eating out tips
- Preparing for the holidays
- How to go on vacation and stay on track
- Perfect Fit Protein is the recommended protein powder. It can be purchased at not mandatory)
The average weight loss is 8-10 lbs in 6 weeks. This program helps you eat clean, feel energized, build lean muscle, tone, and lose fat! But the most important, is that it teaches you how to eat for life! We don't stop at the 6 weeks, we continue on with this clean eating lifestyle so you continue to feel energized and healthy! You can log on to to read testimonials and to see sample recipes.
Be your own success story! Join us beginning Monday October 12th for 6 weeks $150 (just $25 per week), come learn and see what you are capable of. You owe this to yourself! To register go to or email
Cannon Fitness Expanding!
Cannon Fitness is Expanding!
An awesome say begins with an awesome morning. And we are making it easier for you to start your day that way. Old Southwest Reno we are coming your way!
We are looking for 8 women to join us beginning October 19th-November 20th at our new location, Plumas Gym. Classes 5 days a week including Cannon Core, BOOM Camp, and Yoga.
Registration for all classes begins September 21st
to register or for more information on our classes go to
Other locations:
South Reno
Northwest Reno
to view schedule of classes visit
Staying Balanced with Menu Planning
Its Sunday! So that means activities with the family, a little rest time, and planning the week ahead. Last week we focused on balance during the Passion Project and this week our focus is nutrition. Our Passion Project is a project dedicated to living life simply, happy, intentional, and balanced.
What better way to combine balance and nutrition that working on our time management skills and menu planning. So today I wanted to give you a few tips on living a balanced life through menu planning. I can't begin to tell you how much menu planning has changed my life! I sit down each Sunday evening look at the week ahead and..
What better way to combine balance and nutrition that working on our time management skills and menu planning. So today I wanted to give you a few tips on living a balanced life through menu planning. I can't begin to tell you how much menu planning has changed my life! I sit down each Sunday evening look at the week ahead and..
- Find my recipes
- Write my menu and meals for the week
- Write my grocery list
- Write any appointments in my calendar
- Look at each day and what the week ahead is bringing
By planning out my menu I am limiting the amount of time trying to scramble to figure out whats for dinner. The amount of time and stress this saves me is amazing! Not only are you prepared each evening, you have a plan, you have the groceries, and you are less likely to stray and cheat. You are planned and you are prepared and both of those = success!
So reduce your stress during the week and worry less, plan it out.
Here what was on today's dinner menu:
Here what was on today's dinner menu:
Sweet Potato Quiche
1 sweet potato sliced thin
4 whisked egg whites and 2 eggs
big handful of spinach
1 red bell pepper chopped
4-5 mushrooms chopped
1 lb ground turkey
1 glove garlic chopped
1/2 sliced white onion
Mrs. Dash
Heat oven to 400 degrees. Spray pan with coconut oil spray. Slice sweet potatoes and line dish like a pie crust. Cook until potatoes are tender. Brown turkey, garlic, and onion. While those are cooking; in a bowl whisk together eggs. Add spinach, bell pepper, mushrooms, and a low sodium season such as Mrs. Dash. Once turkey is browned, let cool for 5 minutes so eggs won't cook when you you add. Mix all ingredients and pour in dish. Cook until eggs are done, about 30 minutes.
***Plan Ahead Tip
I doubled this recipe and made mini egg muffins. That way I can freeze, pull out individually, and enjoy as my morning or afternoon snack! A perfect snack to follow the Cannon Clean Eating Program. This recipe is also great to get rid of any left overs you may have or extra veggies. Be creative with this dish. Dijon mustard added into the eggs is also delicious!
Now you have made a meal and your weekly snacks! Planning ahead, creating balance, and maintaining nutrition.
Passion Project: Choose to Shine
Its that time of year again! The 2nd annual Cannon Fitness Passion Project begins August 31st. The Passion Project was created for each individual to not only focus on their fitness, but all other aspects of their life. Because in order to be able to perform at our top level we need balance throughout our life. All of the women of Cannon Fitness are busy, working, moms, teachers, students, friends, wives, and much more. You give so much of yourselves and your time to others that your lives are often put on the back burner. These 6 weeks are for YOU to focus on different aspects of your life, focus on balance within and "Choose to Shine!".
Our theme for this year is, "Choose to Shine!". We chose t"Choose to Shine", because it is up to you how you want to shine each day. It embodies the concept of shining in all areas of your life and expresses that we have a CHOICE each day to make that shine happen!
You are automatically enrolled in the Passion Project when you register for our September-October session. You will receive daily emails with focus topics. We encourage you to create goals each week and let the topics guide you in reaching them.
Choose to Shine:
Week 1: Intention
Week 2: Balance
Week 3: Nutrition
Week 4: Strength
Week 5: Love & Confidence
Week 6: Free Yourself
Get involved! Show us how you are embracing the Passion Project by posting pictures of you and your family on Facebook or Instagram. Wear your Cannon Fitness gear in your pictures, tag Cannon Fitness and use any of the following hashtags #passionproject, #choosetoshine, #cannonfitnessreno, #intention, #balance, #nutrition, #love&confidence, #free. Each time you post you will be entered to receive $50 off your next session registration!
Drawing will be held Saturday October 10th during our Passion Project celebration. Celebrate your new shining self with us on Saturday October 10th for a great workout, bring your children, friends, or spouse for a great workout and coffee to follow.
Session Details:
August 31st-October 9th
Registration $170 (includes Passion Project & water bottle)
Northwest Reno & South Reno
Go to website for a full schedule of classes
register at
This is my fight song...
I can't remember a time in my life that I have been sidelined by injury or illness for a significant amount of time. I can't remember a time in which my body didn't do what I asked it to do. My goal for life is to be strong for my family, for myself, for my clients. I want to feel good, have energy, be the best I can be. But I have been put to the test the last 6 weeks. I had serious abdominal surgery. And for the first time in my life my body didn't do what I asked it to do. I didn't feel strong, I felt weak. I couldn't be the best mom, the best wife, the best trainer...I couldn't be me.
But today was the first time in 6 weeks I was able to get my sweat on. And let me tell felt amazing! So today I title this video and post "This is My Fight Song". Because today is the day I take back my life and my health. Today is the day I conquer fears and set aside doubt. Today is the day I get back to being me and I am ready for the journey no matter how long it takes. I have learned so many things these past 6 weeks and have had a ton of up and down emotions. But the most important thing is that I learned these lessons and have so much more appreciation for what my body is actually capable of.
Each person you meet along the way is going through something, some challenge you know nothing about. Show compassion, show kindness, show no judgement. Show love and understanding. Learn from them.
This is a great body weight workout and is one of my go to's when I am on vacation. I haven't done it in some time so it was a great one to get started with.
I normally perform 100 step ups to lunge on each side (today my goal was 50 as I am just getting back in a routine and listening to my body is a must).
100 step up with lunge timed (my best time completing 100 on each side is 10:38, talk about a heart pumping workout!)
3x: 10 pushups (I am in a modified position) alternate with 10 tricep dips (add a leg extension for a more difficult move)
1-2x: 50 squats
Turn up the music and get moving!
But today was the first time in 6 weeks I was able to get my sweat on. And let me tell felt amazing! So today I title this video and post "This is My Fight Song". Because today is the day I take back my life and my health. Today is the day I conquer fears and set aside doubt. Today is the day I get back to being me and I am ready for the journey no matter how long it takes. I have learned so many things these past 6 weeks and have had a ton of up and down emotions. But the most important thing is that I learned these lessons and have so much more appreciation for what my body is actually capable of.
Each person you meet along the way is going through something, some challenge you know nothing about. Show compassion, show kindness, show no judgement. Show love and understanding. Learn from them.
This is a great body weight workout and is one of my go to's when I am on vacation. I haven't done it in some time so it was a great one to get started with.
I normally perform 100 step ups to lunge on each side (today my goal was 50 as I am just getting back in a routine and listening to my body is a must).
100 step up with lunge timed (my best time completing 100 on each side is 10:38, talk about a heart pumping workout!)
3x: 10 pushups (I am in a modified position) alternate with 10 tricep dips (add a leg extension for a more difficult move)
1-2x: 50 squats
Turn up the music and get moving!
It's Heatin' Up This Summer!
We are keeping the summer smokin' hot, by working up a sweat each morning! Join us for our upcoming session. Don't let the heat get you down. We are working on our minds, bodies, and energy early each morning to be the best we can be. And so can you!
Session information:
South Reno Classes:
5:30 am
Locations vary (schedule sent out weekly)
Monday: Cannon Core w/Erin
Tuesday: BOOM Camp w/Heather
Wednesday: BOOM Camp w/Heather
Thursday: Kickboxing w/Heather
Friday: Yoga w/Jessie alternate BOOM Camp w/Heather
Northwest Reno Classes are currently full. Stay tuned for any openings.
Session information:
South Reno Classes:
5:30 am
Locations vary (schedule sent out weekly)
Monday: Cannon Core w/Erin
Tuesday: BOOM Camp w/Heather
Wednesday: BOOM Camp w/Heather
Thursday: Kickboxing w/Heather
Friday: Yoga w/Jessie alternate BOOM Camp w/Heather
Northwest Reno Classes are currently full. Stay tuned for any openings.
Summer Session:
Monday July 20th- Friday Aug 28th
Pre-registration $150 July 22nd-July 2nd
Registration $170 July 3rd- July 20th
Saturday Classes: 2x per month (July, August). 7:30 am at Crystal Lake Park. $15 drop in.
July: 11th & 25th
Aug: 1st & 29th
South Reno Specials!!
Refer a friend to South Cannon Fitness and receive $10 off your registration for every friend you refer.
Sign up for both the Cannon Clean Eating Program by May 15th and save $20! Both for $280!
Its your time! Take advantage of these specials and class available to you! Get motivated and reach your goals this summer!
To register go to or email for any questions.
To register go to or email for any questions.
Next Session Info
July 20th-Aug 28th
Pre-Registration begins
July 20th-Aug 28th
Pre-Registration begins
June 22nd-July 2nd $150
Registration July 3rd-July 10th $170
Registration July 3rd-July 10th $170
Next Session Info
July 20th-Aug 28th
Pre-Registration begins
July 20th-Aug 28th
Pre-Registration begins
June 22nd-July 2nd $150
Registration July 3rd-July 10th $170
Registration July 3rd-July 10th $170
Booty Toner!
Who doesn't want to tone their booty? Here is the perfect do any where workout to help you do just that! No equipment needed. Do while you watch TV, watch the kids play in the yard, right before bed...anytime!
Part 1
Repeat 3x
1. Hip Extensions 15-20
2. Sway 15-20 (each side)
3. Double Sway 15-20 (each side)
4. Hip Extension March (20 each leg)
5. Hip Extensions (15-20)
Tip: lay flat on the ground and tilt your pelvis up so that your back now lays flat on the ground. Engage those lower abs and then lift your hips to the hip extension position. This will help keep your abdominals and glutes tight the entire workout and keep your lower back safe and pain free!
Part 2:
Repeat 3x
1. Clam Shell 20 (each side)
2. Inner Thigh Lift 20 (each side)
3. Knee to Knee Extension 20 (each side)
4. Lateral Leg Lift 20 (each side)
Summer Challenge...7 Weeks, Major Results!
Transform your body in 7 weeks! Take the challenge for 7 weeks to create a beautiful lean, toned, more energetic body this summer. It can be done! Join us for a motivating Summer Session beginning June 1st. Our summer is jam packed with opportunities for you to get in shape and reach your goals...all you have to do is take advantage of these classes!
Session information:
South Reno Classes:
5:30 am
Locations vary (schedule sent out weekly)
Monday: Cannon Core w/Erin
Tuesday: BOOM Camp w/Heather
Wednesday: BOOM Camp w/Heather
Thursday: Kickboxing w/Heather
Friday: Yoga w/Jessie alternate BOOM Camp w/Heather
Northwest Reno Classes are currently full. Stay tuned for any openings.

South Reno Classes:
5:30 am
Locations vary (schedule sent out weekly)
Monday: Cannon Core w/Erin
Tuesday: BOOM Camp w/Heather
Wednesday: BOOM Camp w/Heather
Thursday: Kickboxing w/Heather
Friday: Yoga w/Jessie alternate BOOM Camp w/Heather
Northwest Reno Classes are currently full. Stay tuned for any openings.
Summer Session:
Monday June 1st- Wednesday July 15th
No classes Thursday July 2nd or Friday July 3rd
Pre-registration $150 May 11-May 15th
Saturday Classes: 2x per month (June, July, August). 7:30 am. Location TBA. $50 for 6 classes or $15 drop in.
June: 6th & 20th
July: 11th & 25th
Aug: 1st & 29th
Clean Eating Program:
Monday June 1st-Friday July 10th
$150 ($25 per week)
6 weeks of recipes, menus, serving sizes, grocery lists, and support! For a full description of the Cannon Fitness Clean Eating Program please go to
South Reno Specials!!
Refer a friend to South Cannon Fitness and receive $10 off your registration for every friend you refer.
Sign up for both the Cannon Clean Eating Program by May 15th and save $20! Both for $280!
Its your time! Take advantage of these specials and class available to you! Get motivated and reach your goals this summer!
To register go to or email for any questions.
To register go to or email for any questions.
Total body workout to get you going this morning! Blast it out! Comment below when you finish..
30 sec on 5 sec rest for 5 rounds (5 times through)
-Curstee lunge hop R
-Curtsee lunge hop L
-Back extension to body push up with alternating knee tuck
-Star jump
-Crab Crunch
-Tricep pushup hold with alternating leg lift
30 sec on 5 sec rest for 5 rounds (5 times through)
-Curstee lunge hop R
-Curtsee lunge hop L
-Back extension to body push up with alternating knee tuck
-Star jump
-Crab Crunch
-Tricep pushup hold with alternating leg lift
A Clean Eating Coffee Creamer
Struggling to find a coffee creamer that is clean, but still full of flavor? Give this one a try, submitted by one of my clients (Nikki B). You can get creative too..use different extracts to find the flavor you love!
- 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- 1 (12 oz) can fat free evaporated milk or half and half
- 2-4 tbs sweetener of your choice (stevia, honey, rice syrup)
- 2 tsp vanilla extract (or extract of your choice)
Whisk ingredients together and poor 1-2 tbs in your morning joe and enjoy!
- 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- 1 (12 oz) can fat free evaporated milk or half and half
- 2-4 tbs sweetener of your choice (stevia, honey, rice syrup)
- 2 tsp vanilla extract (or extract of your choice)
Whisk ingredients together and poor 1-2 tbs in your morning joe and enjoy!
Cannon Core
What does the word core mean? The core is the most important part of something. The human body core is the center of our body and movement, but yet it is often times the weakest part. Think of your core muscles as a chain that links the rest of your body together. If your core is weak or inflexible it can impair the function of arms, legs, every day movements. A strong core can enhance stability, balance, and power.
The core consists of abdominals (rectus abdomins, transverse, external obliques, and internal obliques), hamstrings, quadriceps, erector spinae (lower back). This is often confusing, because many people believe that when you are talking about the core you simply mean the abs. But not so. These muscles work together to help you perform everyday tasks such as housework, lifting kiddos, gardening, sports, exercise, and many other activities.
We work hard every day in Cannon Fitness and I wanted to develop a way for us to work on a core strength, toning, cardio, resistance training...all of it! So I developed Cannon Core. Cannon Core will consist of movements to help you feel, contract, and control all muscles in the abdominals while working the other muscles of the core. A low impact class, done without shoes to enhance balance.
Want to strengthen your core? Try these lower ab exercises to get started. The lower abdominals are one of the hardest areas to target, especially for women who have had children!
The core consists of abdominals (rectus abdomins, transverse, external obliques, and internal obliques), hamstrings, quadriceps, erector spinae (lower back). This is often confusing, because many people believe that when you are talking about the core you simply mean the abs. But not so. These muscles work together to help you perform everyday tasks such as housework, lifting kiddos, gardening, sports, exercise, and many other activities.
We work hard every day in Cannon Fitness and I wanted to develop a way for us to work on a core strength, toning, cardio, resistance training...all of it! So I developed Cannon Core. Cannon Core will consist of movements to help you feel, contract, and control all muscles in the abdominals while working the other muscles of the core. A low impact class, done without shoes to enhance balance.
Want to strengthen your core? Try these lower ab exercises to get started. The lower abdominals are one of the hardest areas to target, especially for women who have had children!
- While driving sit up straight and pull your back into your seat, flex, and pull in your lower abs so your back is completely against the seat. Trick...its not your back pulling towards the seat, its your abs pushing. Hold for 10 and release..repeat.
- Do the same movement while laying in bed. Make sure your lower back touches the mattress. Feel the muscles near your pelvic bone as you contract. Hold for 10, release, and repeat.
- Stand up straight! Standing up straight, not only makes you look taller and thinner, but it also pulls your abs in and engages your lower back, shoulders, trapezius, and chest. Thats a lot of muscles! The more you are contracting...the more calories you are burning!
Try this exercise to help increase your lower ab strength. This can be done every day and is for everyone!
- Place your hands underneath the small of your back (not your sacrum).
- Lift your knees to a 90 degree angle.
- Pull your lower abs in (feel them down to your pelvic bone) and feel your back on your hands. You want to keep your back on your hands throughout the entire exercise. If you feel it lift...pause, rest, and then start back up!
- Alternate heel drops for a total of 10 each side, then 10 double, and 10 leg drops. Repeat 1-2x. this is a slow and controlled movement. Repeat daily!
A Delicious, Creamy, Healthy Dessert!
This healthy dessert is so rich and creamy it will definitely curb any cravings for chocolate you maybe having. And the best part? It's healthy!
This recipe is loaded with nutrients:
Avocado: rich in healthy fats
Bananas: Vitamin B6, potassium, and fiber
Cacao: antioxidants and magnesium
Almond Butter: protein and healthy fats
1 1/2 ripe avocado
1 large ripe banana
1/2 cup unsweetened cacao powder
1/2 cup almond butter (I like Barney's all natural)
1/2 cup rice syrup (or other natural sweetner of your Choice)
1/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Add the almond milk to reduce thickness. Makes 6 1/4 cup servings. Place plastic wrap tightly around cups and place in fridge overnight or for a couple hours.
New Schedule!
Pre-Registration now open for Spring Session
April 13-May 22nd
South Reno with Heather Cannon
5:30 am
Monday: Cannon Core
Tuesday: BOOM Camp
Wednesday:BOOM Camp
Thursday: Kickboxing
Friday: BOOM Camp/Yoga
Northwest Reno with Jessie Epsteyn
5:30 am
5:30 am
Monday: BOOM Camp
Tuesday: BOOM Camp
Wednesday: Cannon Core w/Erin
Thursday: Kickboxing/Yoga
Friday: BOOM Camp
Classes sizes limited and are reserved on a first come first serve basis. So grab your spot! Pre-registration runs from March 13-March 20th, $150. Registration March 21-April 13th $170. pay online now to reserve your spot
Workout #2
100 Yard Sprint
8 bicep curls slow on the eccentric
8 push-ups
8 kettle bell swings
8 reverse lunges
8 squats
8 tummy tucks with a hip dip
100 Yard Sprint
8 bicep curls slow on the eccentric
8 push-ups
8 kettle bell swings
8 reverse lunges
8 squats
8 tummy tucks with a hip dip
Moms on the Run
Its about that time again! Moms on the Run is just around the corner.
Join Cannon Fitness for the best start to your Mother's Day, by
running/walking with us at Moms on the Run.
By participating in Moms on the Run, you are raising money for local women with cancer. Your donation stays in Northern Nevada and since Moms on the Run is run by volunteers, over 98% of the money raised goes directly to local women to pay for everyday needs while they're in treatment for cancer.
Race Day: Sunday May 10th, 2015
Time: 8:30 am
Register: Online
Team Name: Cannon Fitness
Password: CannonFit
Online registration ends May 6th. Join our team, whether you are walking, running, or strolling. All the money raised stays with in our community!
By participating in Moms on the Run, you are raising money for local women with cancer. Your donation stays in Northern Nevada and since Moms on the Run is run by volunteers, over 98% of the money raised goes directly to local women to pay for everyday needs while they're in treatment for cancer.
Race Day: Sunday May 10th, 2015
Time: 8:30 am
Register: Online
Team Name: Cannon Fitness
Password: CannonFit
Online registration ends May 6th. Join our team, whether you are walking, running, or strolling. All the money raised stays with in our community!
Workout #1
10 alternating one leg push-ups
15 knee to knee with leg extension, both legs
10 tummy tucks with extension, each leg
10 single leg hip extension with toe touch, each leg
10 reverse plank pull through
15 knee to knee with leg extension, both legs
10 tummy tucks with extension, each leg
10 single leg hip extension with toe touch, each leg
10 reverse plank pull through
Chickpea, Avocado & Feta Salad
Chickpea, Avocado, & Feta Salad
Yield: Serves 4
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
1 can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
2 avocados, pitted, and chopped
1/3 cup chopped cilantro
2 tablespoons green onion
1/3 cup feta cheese
Juice of 1 lime
Salt and black pepper, to taste
2 avocados, pitted, and chopped
1/3 cup chopped cilantro
2 tablespoons green onion
1/3 cup feta cheese
Juice of 1 lime
Salt and black pepper, to taste
1. In a medium bowl, combine chickpeas,
avocado, cilantro, green onion, feta cheese, and lime juice. Stir until
mixed well. Season with salt and pepper. Serve.
February 23 - April 3rd Session
Pre-Registration for February 23-April 3rd Session begins February 2nd.
South Reno with Heather Cannon
T, W, TH, F 5:30 am
Wednesday kickboxing
Every other Thursday yoga
Northwest Reno with Jessie Epsteyn
M, T, Th, F 5:30 am
Every other Thursday is yoga
Classes are almost full! Grab your spot before it's gone and prices increase! $150
until Friday February 13th. New participants join us for a free workout on Sunday
February 1st, sign up for this session and receive $15 off your registration fee!
Class sizes are limited so grab your spot! $150 for pre-registration. Registration $170
February 14th-20th. Email for more information
regarding locations or any other questions.
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