Believe in Yourself!

How much different would your perspective of yourself be if you focused on loving the things you love as much as dwelling on the things you dislike about yourself? Today we are chatting about building confidence and loving yourself for exactly who you ARE! We can admire someone else's beauty, inside and out, without questioning our own. We are all made in a wonderfully unique way. Today is the day we appreciate our beauty and strengths!

Do The Things That Make You Happy! 

When you go for a run or workout, how do you feel after? Happy, energized...maybe a little tired;) But you feel good. Do more of what makes you feel good! Seek time each day, if just a few minutes, to release the tension and make yourself feel good. Your happiness is just as important as your families, your friends, or your co-workers. Giving yourself this time isn't selfish! When you feel happy, that energy becomes contagious and those around you feel it and want it!

Show Yourself Some Love.

Today when you look in the mirror, I want you to  say one thing you love about yourself and then another, and then another. Telling ourselves what we love nixes the negative talk. Don't let yourself go towards what you dislike. Stay positive and show yourself the love! More than likely we can't change what we don't like, but what we can change is our view of ourselves. 

Believe in Yourself.

You are always telling others they can do it...well so can you! My favorite quote, was given to me by my best friend during a difficult time. I look at it each day to remember I can do what ever it is that I want out of life! If I fail...its ok, I will learn and move on. That isn't to say it isn't scary, but if I don't try how will I ever know? 

Wear Red Lipstick.

Be bold! Wear what makes you feel good. I always use to tell my students "don't come to school in pajamas." What are pajamas for? Sleeping, so that is exactly what you are going to feel like doing in them. Step out of your workout clothes, take a shower, and dress how you want to feel. Feel the boost in your energy and confidence when you are wearing something that makes you feel amazing! 

Most importantly, be you. Know you have a purpose and share it! We can worry about what others think, but that is wasted energy. Use these tips to boost your confidence and spread your happiness to those around you. 

Eating Clean with a Family

You have done it! You have made the commitment to begin eating how to get your family on board. 

5 tips for Eating Clean with a Family

One of my main goals for the Cannon Fitness Clean Eating Program is that it is a program suitable for the entire family. I want my family to learn the value of eating nutritious unprocessed foods. I want them feeling and performing their best. I want them to feel confident in their choices of foods when I am not around. And most of all...I don't want to have to make 3 different meals each night! I know you hear me on that! So here are some tips to get the family on board and make your life easier in the process!

Ease them in.

Choose their favorite meal and make it clean. Lets take my daughter's favorite meal as an example....Sloppy Joe's (or as we call them Sloppy Izzy's). Turn this into a clean dinner my making a few small changes. Choose an organic ground beef, turkey, or chicken as the meat. Avoiding added growth hormones and pesticides. Use a whole grain bun or even a gluten free bun, I sub out the bun and make a lettuce wrap. Often my kids follow suit. For the sauce...I make my own! Here is an awesome recipe to make your own Cannon Fitness Clean Eating Sloppy Joe's:

  • 1 tbs olive oil
  • 1-1/2 lbs lean ground beef
  • 1 (15 ounces) can tomato sauce, no sugar added
  • 1/2 cup clean ketchup (no high fructose corn syrup)
  • 2 tbs yellow mustard
  • 1 tbs garlic powder
  • 1 tbs onion powder
  • 1/2 green bell pepper diced
  • 1/2 red bell pepper diced
  • 1/2 sweet onion diced
  • In a large sauce pan heat 1 tbs of olive oil on medium heat. Add diced bell peppers and sweet onion. Cook until translucent. Add ground beef and brown. Once ground beef is brown add in all other ingredients. Mix with wooden spoon. Turn heat to low and let simmer for 10-15 minutes. Serve with a whole wheat or gluten free bun..or lettuce cup!

    Let them help you!

    Yes...children in the kitchen can get a little messy and chaotic, but if you involve them in the process of making dinner, the more excited the will be to eat it! My little man loves helping me make juice and sneaks bites out of everything we put in. I can't complain about that! Kids will be proud of what they have help make and ready to gobble it up. I also ask for their help in creating our weekly menu. "What do you want for dinner this week?" They always speak up. They love feeling involved in the process.

    Talk to them.

    It is important to talk to your children about eating healthy. This way they understand why I feed them what I do and not just think I am torturing them by saying "no" to pizza every night. We talk about how healthy foods make us feel and how are bodies feel when they have too much sugar, tummy aches, tired, etc. Healthy foods give us brain power to do good in school, energy to be able to play, and vitamins and minerals so our bodies can grow to be strong! 

    Eat as a family.

    If you want to set a good example to your kids and show them you are eating healthy, you have to do it with them! I know eating as a family can be tough with all the different activities and schedules in the evening, but setting aside at least 2-3 times a week to eat as a family is so important. Not only does it provide them with a healthy meal, but it provides them with a safe environment to talk about their day and lets you know what is happening in their lives!

    Plan, plan, plan.

    If you have participated in The Cannon Fitness Clean Eating Program before you know that planning is a must! "Plan and prepare"  is our moto. Sitting down every Sunday for 1 hour to write out a menu and a grocery list will be how you succeed! This saves those last minute bad food decisions from creeping their way into your life. You are planned, you know what you are having, no room for a call to pizza delivery! 

    The Cannon Fitness Clean Eating Program is family friendly and kid approved. We will be holding a new 6 week session beginning May 2nd! Learn the Cannon Fuel Formula for a healthier life, a toned, lean, strong body, and more energy! For more information please visit this link and sign up today! Cannon Fitness Clean Eating Program

    In health,
